Why can't you go faster than light ?

To understand speed of light we have to understand Special Relativity.

What Is Special Relativity?

Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity is an explanation of how a change in an object's speed affects measurements of its time, space, and mass.

Experiments that helped to establish a theory of electromagnetism showed waves in an electromagnetic field (which we see as light) zip through empty space at a speed of 299,792,458 metres per second (about 186,000 miles per second). Never any faster. Never any slower.

This single speed limit also happens to be the same no matter how fast an observer is moving, which really doesn't make much sense at first. So in 1905, Einstein wrote a paper detailing a strange explanation. 

Albert Einstein thought us that space and time are not 2 separate entity but rather they are a 2 component of bigger idea called Spacetime.

To understand this consider a object moving in a spacetime graph with y axis as time and x axis as space . As you move more in space you move less in time and vice versa.

The reason that you can't move faster through space than the speed of light is because that every object moves through space with one and only one speed i.e speed of light.

In a crucial test, physicists Joseph Hafele and Richard E. Keating flew synchronised, super-accurate caesium atomic clocks on various trips around the world on commercial airliners. After the journeys, all the moving clocks disagreed with each other and the reference clock back in the lab. Time ran slower for the moving clocks just as Einstein predicted. 

According to the equation E=mc^2

The faster something travels, the more massive it gets, and the more time slows until you finally reach the speed of light, at which point time stops altogether. And if time stops, well then, so does speed. And so nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.


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